Author: Jacob Taylor

Credit card rewards can be extremely valuable for anyone who loves to travel. The sign-up bonuses that credit card issuers hand out after applying ...

Manufactured homes account for 6% of all occupied housing, but a much smaller percentage of home loan originations according to a 2014 report issue...

Author: Ethan Davis

Business travel is soaring, especially among Americans. We currently make up the largest business travel market on the globe, cont...

Craft Coffee is a subscription service that sends fresh-roasted whole bean or ground coffee right to your door, so you never go without a fresh cup...

Author: Ethan Davis

The Philippines, an archipelago of 7,000+ islands in the western Pacific Ocean, is home to a substantial community of expats who enjoy the country'...

As a small business owner, you are completely responsible for your own retirement planning. Unless your small business is just a side job, you don'...

If you're considering retiring in Spain, first look beyond the Costa del Sol. You may wind up there anyway, as many retirees have before you. (Most...

The average price of a new car now tops $33,000, so it's no surprise that consumers increasingly finance their purchases with loan...

After the Federal Reserve approved a quarter-point increase in its target funds rate last December – the first increase since June 29, 2006 – t...

Author: Jacob Smith

It's not hard to find a 50-something asking the question, Am I too old to buy a home? The answer is, absolutely not. A couple of decades ago, the a...

The whole purpose of buying a house, aside from protection from the elements and keeping the meal worms out, is to build equity. Otherwise you migh...

Many students who borrow to pay for college wade into the real world despairing of ever being able to pay off their loans. One of the key ways stud...

It's no secret that college is phenomenally expensive, and the sticker price rises every year. In fact, college tuition has increased by nearly 1,2...

Author: Ethan Harris

One year ago, Trulia's Rent vs. Buy Report, released by online real estate aggregator Trulia, found it was 44% cheaper to buy a house than to rent....

Estate planning is not something to which most people look forward because it's associated with mortality, but it's important to think of the next ...

Author: Ethan Harris

Many people dream of retiring abroad to enjoy a change of scenery, better weather, new experiences, access to affordable healthcare and a lower cos...

For the majority of people buying life insurance today, term life insurance has become the default option, primarily because it is inexpensive and ...

Author: Andrew Davis

If your friend jumped off a bridge, would you jump off a bridge, too?

What American child or adult hasn't heard this question at least a doze...

Anyone approaching retirement is faced with many decisions. One of them is where to live. While most Americans remain in the U.S. after they retire...

You may have heard that government loans are available for would-be homeowners who are saddled with bad credit and/or a history of bankruptcies or ...

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